Monday, February 17, 2014

The Media-5 Years From Now

Q: Describe your vision of how the media world will be for most people five years from now. Discuss how and where people will access news, entertainment, and other media content, and examine what media companies may be important. Think back through all the readings to give examples and contexts.

Being in my forty's, I've seen how much the media world has changed.  Being in school back in my days, a research paper would take a couple of days, if not weeks.  Now it can be done in a couple of hours because research is at the tip of your fingers and not in textbooks, newspapers, magazines and encyclopedia.  Traveling meant reading a map and making plans days or weeks ahead of time, now it is in the palm of our hands, with GPS on our cars and cell phones.  Keeping in touch with a loved one or family members meant postcards, letters and phone calls on a weekly or monthly basis-now it is a text, message, voicemail, or Facebook status away in minutes and seconds, 24/7.  Missing someone's face meant driving or flying to see them, now I can see them any time via Tango or Skype.

Newspapers and magazines are disappearing from store shelves because no one reads them anymore.  Our news is forecasted 24 hours a day and faster than I can type in a search word.  News around the world can be viewed as it is happening and not days or hours later.

With how much our media world has changed within the past 10 years with newer and faster technologies, I know what's coming will only be better and faster.  Faster and newer technologies are invented quicker than I can learn how to operate one, yet I am learning just like everyone else to go with the flow.  My vision of our media future, based on the history of our technologies and changes thus far, will be like living in a "star trek" world.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First Blog

This is all new to me, never created my own blog before.  I had a bit of complication, but I'm all excited that I finally figured it out now.

Excited to see what's next!